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polly hernandez


Never give up that dream – client success story with Polly Hernandez

July 24, 2018

Who is Polly Hernandez?

To describe Polly in one word is very tricky, because she is such an incredible woman. 

Polly is magnetic, passionate, talented and never afraid to be bold. 

From the moment we first connected in late 2017, I could tell Polly was on the verge of a powerful shift in her life.  She jumped in head first and signed up for 1:1 mentoring over 8 sessions.

Some of Polly’s goals going into our work together included: a fully active website that sells products/branding/workshops, a rise in email subscribers, followers on social media channels and medium blog, personally Polly wanted to be surrounded by nature, living in a smaller community, and consistency with routines.