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holistic beauty

Girl Crush interview

Girl Crush – Introducing Cassie Mendoza-Jones

November 17, 2014


We admit it, we have a Girl Crush on this beauty – Cassie Mendoza-Jones.

A Conscious Beauty’s thoughts on Cassie:

Well what can we say about Cassie? This radiant beauty has been on our crush list for a long time, inspiring us well before A Conscious Beauty was born. Cassie is undoubtedly a force in the wellness world, who respects the needs and desires of the modern women and what it takes to maintain ‘vitality’ in a busy world.

Cassie’s approach to achieving what she terms ‘body harmony’ is supported by a background in Naturopathy, kinesiology, herbal medicine and nutrition – that’s one talented young lady!

We love absolutely love Cassie’s approach, she is on your team, she has your wellbeing at heart and you just have to read her testimonials to know that she is the real deal. Today we are privileged to add Cassie to our list of amazing ‘girl crushes’.

Nourish and Heal

3 simple ways to gain health & beauty with Lyndi Polivnick | the nude nutritionist

October 30, 2014

Lyndi The Nude Nutritionist

Whilst there are many things we can do to make us look and feel great, few are as simple as making healthy choices. Eating well does not have to be complex or confusing. By following these 3 simple steps you can supercharge your diet and your looks.

1. Eat more plants

We live in a world where healthy convenience food is considered a muesli bar, rice cakes or diet coke – and not an apple or a handful of nuts. But the truth is that glowing, supermodel skin is within reach if you are willing to eat your veggies.

Vegetables contain plenty of the good stuff like fibre, antioxidants and vitamins which actively work to rejuvenate and detox your entire body – from you intestines to your skin.

Nourish and Heal

Kale, Avocado & Quinoa (beauty) salad by Nadia Felsch

September 16, 2014

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Before we dive into Nadia’s beautiful recipe lets learn a little more about this beauty food lover…

After departing the corporate world in early 2013 to follow her heart, Nadia Felsch has been devoted to sharing her message that you can EAT WELL LOOK GOOD and FEEL GREAT.

Following the release in June of her first eBook; of the same name; Nadia is utilising her sports background and many dietary challenges to empower and inspire others on their own path to greater health and wellbeing.

Without labels, diets or stress, her new website will be a go-to destination for all things clean eating, fitness and wellbeing.

Product Ingredients

How to detox your cupboards on the holistic beauty journey

August 14, 2014
Eco store image
Let me ask you this beauties? Are you ready to take the next step in the journey?

When I look back on my own journey, there is another side to detoxing that’s not just your food choices. It is the glorious process of removing chemicals from your pantry, your laundry cupboard and your bathroom vanity. After all, being a conscious beauty is as much about what you put on your skin as the toxins that surround you every day. Whether they be found in your food, your household cleaners or your beauty products.

Unfortunately, our exposure to chemicals and toxins is much more prolific that we are often made aware of, because glamorous marketing has us believing we need something while concealing the real truth about what’s inside. Don’t fear beauties, we are not here for a chemistry or marketing lesson, instead let us look together at what is involved in a typical cupboard detox.

Nourish and Heal

My relationship with alcohol and the holistic beauty journey

July 24, 2014

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There was a period in my life where alcohol played a significant role and was almost always associated with the word FUN.

In my late teens and early 20’s I enjoyed more that your standard few drinks – one, often three times per week. I’m not sure I would have called myself a ‘binge drinker’ but there was rarely a night out that I didn’t drink, let alone the amount of times I was sick from it. Yes, they were some classy moments I assure you.

I don’t have any massive regrets about that period of my life, but like most of my friends, that was our version of normal. Looking back now, I do recall a handful of times that my judgement was impaired and had I not been drinking, I probably would have thought twice about that guy or getting into that car.