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goal setting


Spirited, The Desire Map & other inner beauty tools for 2014

February 12, 2014

I love this time of year, anticipation of what’s to come for the year ahead, a sense of renewal, shedding of old ideas and opening the way for new possibilities.

There are always goals on the board throughout the year and I for one, have a tendency to race ahead at full speed in order to achieve them, going from one to the other without many breaths in between. So when the new year rolls around, I make a point of taking the time to sit down, to pause, to just be.  Seeing what ‘comes up’ for me but with a focus on those soul-deep ‘core desired feelings’ that Ms Danielle LaPorte has me hooked on.

In the coming weeks, I will be revisiting my vision and goals so in order to help me along with the process I thought it might be fun to look at some of the inspiration tools floating around at A Conscious Beauty: