Browsing Tag

break from drinking

Nourish and Heal


January 30, 2014

Today we have a wonderful guest post given to us by a close friend, Jonathan.

In this post he shares with us his experience of giving up alcohol for the month of January.

Buddha between the vines

As a bloke, I’m not sure I qualify as a ‘Beauty’. I’ll gratefully accept classification as a ‘Beau’, if anyone is kind enough (and blind enough) to bestow it on me.

This January, I gave up alcohol for the month. I toasted in the new year with Champagne and friends, and then embarked on ‘Janudry’. Which is now drawing to a close…

So, why would anyone voluntarily give up alcohol for a whole month? Well there’s one really important and obvious reason. If you quietly count the number of times and places at which alcohol touches your life during a normal week, you’ll realise how saturated our modern culture is with the stuff. There’s the after-work drinks, that billboard ad on the way to work, the drunk guy in the street on the way home, Dexter slurping thirstily at a bottle of beer with his steak, Friday night work parties, Saturday evenings at home with mates, quiet Sunday afternoon beers, that bottle in the fridge… As a white, western, thirty-something it’s hard to avoid it. Which is precisely why I’m now trying to.