
Why it takes just 5 mins per day to create a powerful habit

February 13, 2018

A couple of weeks ago I released a FREE step by step guide called the Golden Hour Project (Come over HERE to grab your copy).

If you’re not familiar with the Golden Hour, here’s the short and sweet version:

2 x 30min blocks of time filled with nourishing, inspiring and creative habits or rituals, that bookend the beginning and the end of the day. 

Perhaps you love the idea of a Golden Hour but right now you’re struggling to balance everything else in your life? 

In today’s video, I thought I would help you out a little by sharing a radical idea:

What if I told you that you only need to spend 5 mins on forming most new habits? Would you think I was crazy? 

For many of us, when we decide to undertake something new, it can feel like there’s a big gap between ideal state, practical state and actual state. In my head, this is what this looked like when I started to create a meditation practice:

Ideal state (ultimate goal), I meditate for 20mins x2 per day

Practical state (minimum acceptable), 10mins 1x per day

Actual state (what really happens), 5mins, 10mins, 20mins then several days with no minutes

With the actual state, or what really happened, there was no pattern and no chance of making the habit regular. So I usually gave up on the whole thing. 

So why only 5mins a day?

A short time frame allows you to FIRST build consistency and consistency is what most people (including myself) struggle with. 

In our modern lives, our attention is being taken from us at any chance, so the ability to stay on task is becoming harder. Adding to that, it feels like every day that goes by my to-do lists get longer not shorter so we tend to push new empowering habits to the side. 

When I applied the 5mins a day to other things in my life, I was able to develop:

–  a regular meditation habit, at least 5 times a week

–  I’m writing more consistently than ever, because I write as it comes to mind for 5 mins, rather than writing forcing myself to sit down for large chunks of time. 

–  a reading habit, I do this before devices go on and just a page or two is enough 

–  I utilise my powerful money rituals every day

Of course I’m not a health expert, so I’m not sure you can apply this to things like exercise, but it could apply to creating a smaller habit like stretching every day.

Fancy that? 5 mins a day is all you need to begin creating your Golden Hour.

If you’re not sure what the Golden Hour Project is all about, you can head to this link to download your free guide. I even have a bonus online workshop you can listen to as well.