
Four Steps To Activate Dreams and Goals – Third We Express

November 29, 2018

Don’t you love the energy of Summer? Our goal or creative project is in full swing. 

We’re humming along like honey bees. 

If you’ve been following this series about The Dream Activator strategy, you’ll know that in Part One we decided.

Part Two we planned the steps.

Part Three – well, we simply need to keep going.

Now is the appropriate time make some noise – if you haven’t already. 

Pull out that party dress and celebrate, raise the roof and let the world know what you’re creating or have created.

You’ll notice the energy of this period has a fun kind of intensity to it. Winter is intense too, but in a different way. They are polar opposites on the energy and creativity spectrum.

Furthermore, if you are interested in working your productivity alongside your menstrual cycle – Summer and Ovulation are the same.  

It’s time to be out, be loud and be proud.

At this time, take a moment to ask yourself the following:

+ Have I been consistent in working on my goal? 

+ If not, do I need to reset, revisit my calendar or adjust my boundaries? Am I falling back into old habits again? What can I say no to? 

+ Who can I reach out to for accountability? Who can I ask to message me once a week and ask me what I’ve produced that week?

Confession time: what if you’ve read Part One and Part Two, you’ve got a plan, but you still feel nervous about starting? Then I’d offer this wisdom from one of my favourite books The War of Art by Steven Pressfield:

The more Resistance you experience, the more important your unmanifested art/project/enterprise is to you – and the more gratification you will feel when you finally do it


Not only could we feel nervous to “just start”, we could also feel nervous about sharing what we’re creating or the goal we’re moving towards.

Do you agree? It’s easy to stay home, keep planning and designing the thing or the goal until we know it’s perfect and every exact step to take.  

Then I invite you to consider this – once you share what you are up to/go public with your goals/enlist a team to help/connect with others on the same journey – something really cool happens.   

The thing or the goal becomes real. People will come out of nowhere to help you or jump on board too. This is how you build your tribe to do work that matters.

Back to Part Three and what we are here to do.

What could your dream look like in reality? What’s some tangible ways to enlist feedback or share your project or goal? 

Here’s 10 ideas to get you started:  

  1. Organise a gathering or a meet-up (via meetup.com) with women doing a similar project to share your work, stories, journey etc
  2. Create a mini-workshop with a handful of friends to share your work, invite them to try it out for themselves or teach them a new skill
  3. Join a networking group to surround yourself with other creative women or pursuing a similar side-project
  4. For those that write, photograph or make things, it could be as simple as making your Tumblr blog live, posting on medium or a simple presentation style website
  5. Share a piece of art, a photograph, your poetry via Instagram, or start a specific Instagram account for this project
  6. Organise a coffee date with someone who is doing similar work to you, find out more about what they do and how they got started. You could even offer assistance on their next project in exchange for broadening your skill-set 
  7. In Step Two, you might have enrolled in a course, in Step Three you’ll could be in the process of undertaking the course
  8. Connect with one or two friends for a zoom call (like Skype) and share with them what you are creating, perhaps you could take them through a creative exercise on the call
  9. Share your work at a small weekend market 
  10. Collaborate with one or two other women to showcase your skills in a workshop, offer to 

Beyond these 28 days, through the activator process you will cycle your dream back through Parts One to Four again. 

Just like the cycles of nature, we go through Winter, which becomes Spring and so on. This is allows the joy of creating to continue. The goal may evolve, and become something new.

In part four, we’re going to pull back from the action a little and take some time to reflect.  To round out the cycle of creating and goal crushing that we’ve been doing.

It is about assessing your energy needs, your boundaries and your habits to ensure you continue momentum.

As you can see, The Dream Activator truly is THE best launch pad for your goals in 2019.

This four-part, self-guided course will have you start taking action on your dream in just 28 days. To find out more click the button below. 

This is your opportunity to make things you love, do things you love, with ease.