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Girl Crush interview

Inspiring sisters – Introducing Mukti of Mukti Organics

June 29, 2015

Meet Mukti, founder of certified Organic Australian skincare range.

Mukti, created the vision for her brand as a beauty therapist when she wasn’t able to find a product that she felt confident was natural enough to recommend to her clients. Pure integrity I say. Her brand officially launched in 2000 and became fully certified Organic in 2006, one of the first of it’s kind in Australia. And today, that stand for integrity still exists as the products continue to be hand-formulated.

Girl Crush interview

Girl Crush – Introducing Lucy Bourchier

May 28, 2015

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Meet the beautiful Lucy Bourchier.

Lucy is a success coach and speaker (and yoga teacher!) who helps women find their voice and live their message. You can get Lucy’s weekly podcast interviews that feature remarkable entrepreneurs and trail blazers who have found their voices and are now living their message with huge success, plus all the tips and action steps for how to do the same, right here on The Brave Exchange podcast. (on iTunes).

Girl Crush interview

Girl Crush – Introducing Angela Simson

January 12, 2015

We admit it, we have a Girl Crush on this beauty – Angela Simson..

Why a Conscious Beauty LOVE’s Angela:

Gratitude. It is one of the staple practices in our lives. And for Angela it is a non-negotiable and a vital component of her strategy for living a fulfilled life. Yes, you can see why we are crushin’ – a woman seriously singing the same tune, loud and clear.

This gorgeous lady is a self-proclaimed, self-love junkie, and did we mention that she is also a health coach, speaker, blogger and mumma to the angelic Bo?  After what Katherine poignantly calls ‘falling down the (Instagram) rabbithole’ one day, we just couldn’t get enough of Angela and little Bo. Not a day goes by that her words of gratitude aren’t jumping off the images in her feed. The juxtaposition of Bo’s innocence with Angela’s wisdom creates the perfect recipe (in our eyes) for living an inspiring life.

Girl Crush interview

Girl Crush – Introducing Tara Bliss

December 16, 2014

We admit it, we have a Girl Crush on this beauty – Tara Bliss.

Yep you heard it right, and this one we are crushin’ on pretty hard.

Why a Conscious Beauty LOVE’s Tara:

I have to thank the beautiful Katherine for (virtually) introducing me to Tara. Katherine would share with me how Tara’s words and video clips had mentored her through life’s ups and downs and so I began to dabble in the wisdom of Tara. Her message is spoken with raw passion and honesty.

Girl Crush interview

Girl Crush – Introducing Charlie de Haas

December 1, 2014


We admit it, we have a Girl Crush on this beauty – Charlie de Haas.

A Conscious Beauty’s thoughts on Charlie:

Well….our crush on Charlie is truly more than skin deep.

After sharing Jolene Hart’s story a few months back, we were surprised to find that Jolene and Charlie had just a little in common. Both committed to wellness a through clean, unlabelled, uncomplicated approach, they also started out in very different side of the beauty world.

Having worked as a fitness model and for many years rising up the ranks of the beauty industry with products like Napolean Perdis, Charlie came to realise that her true passion was not outer beauty but coaching people to wellness. She is all about discovering your own kind of beauty, we all have it, but sometimes we need a little helping hand. That is where Charlie comes in.