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From studying law to reclaiming real beauty with Bron Stange of bopo women

September 20, 2018

Disrupting the beauty industry.

Every time you watch an ad, scroll your Instagram, flick through the glossy pages of a magazine, what do you see? how do you feel?

The beauty industry is a beast.

Women (and likely men too) have been sensitive to it’s portrayal of beauty for too long.

Through her own personal struggle, today’s “the switch” guest – Bron Stange – decided she had to do something about it.

Rather than protesting and being against beauty products, Bron is helping women by creating a unique range of skincare that encourages self-care and ritual.

She is the epitome of the phrase – “if you can’t beat em, join em”.

Bopo Women, is a body-positive, feminist skincare brand that encourages women, and non-gender identifying people, to reconnect with and reclaim their bodies. 

Bron writes “I began to see how eating disorders, low self-esteem and body hatred drain women of our energy, ferocity and distract us from the vitally important work that needs doing in our world”


An unconventional career switch – from Lawyer to Doula and finding her true purpose

August 1, 2018
Today I want to introduce you to Clancy Allen – mum, and a Certified Doula with qualifications in yoga, kinesiology and law and one powerful woman. 

By definition “The Switch” series is about: everyday women making radical changes in their life towards purpose driven work and Clancy is a shining example of this pursuit.

These interviews bring to light the unique journey that is our career path. We might have the belief that like our relationships, we want to find “the one” but as Clancy points out, there is beauty in experimenting and ultimately changing your mind.

Clancy and I met through the world of essential oils and that alone is proof that if you say yes to things you love, the universe will put the right people in your path.

Let’s dive right in…

Careers interview

Becoming Brave – A conversation with Katie Dean on courage and giving yourself permission

May 16, 2018
Today I want to introduce you to the fabulous Katie Dean, creator of Your Wild Life and recently published author of Becoming Brave.

This inspiring conversation is perfect for anyone who is looking to take a leap in their life and would love a few words of encouragement from someone who knows. Remember, like all the women I interview – Katie is just like you or I. She is a woman who has experienced her fair share of challenges, but by staying true to her north and digging deep, she found the courage to speak on stages, facilitate workshops and work with numerous women individually. I am honoured to have her as a guest as she speaks openly and candidly about this journey.

Here’s what you’ll learn about in this conversation:

+ What it takes to find the confidence to write and share despite past trauma or toxicity

+ Why is “Permission to rise” such an important message for women now?

+ How do we bravely share a change with others, without having the need to gain their permission? 

+ What tools do you use to bring you back to your centre? 

+ For someone who openly speaks about dealing with anxiety, how do you speak on stage?  

Girl Crush interview

Inspiring Sisters: Introducing Emmily Banks

February 8, 2016
Today I want to introduce you to my first Inspiring Sister of 2016, the radiant Emmily Banks of Depths of Beauty.

The Depths of Beauty Philosophy is simple: to inspire conscious beauty and authentic well-being from the inside out.

Born from Emmily’s personal and professional transition to eco-beauty, Depths of Beauty is an ever-expanding platform bursting with highly informative, meaningful and mindful content.

Driven by Emmily’s holistic approach which incorporates beauty, health and wellness, Depths of Beauty aims to empower people to confidently and comfortably make the transition to eco-beauty by embracing all natural, organic, ethical and cruelty free products and practices.

Emmily is Australia’s leading (and ONLY) natural and organic makeup artist, blogger, speaker and eco-beauty advocate. She is passionate about inspiring healthy and positive change for people and the planet.

“Each and every day we make choices which impact our health and happiness, as well as that of the planet.  Through Depths of Beauty I want to ensure that everybody has the knowledge and support necessary to reach their full potential and live the healthiest and happiest existence possible!” – Emmily Banks
Girl Crush interview

Inspiring Sisters – Introducing Amanda Rootsey

October 30, 2015

Introducing my latest Inspiring Sister – the beautiful Amanda Rootsey.

Every day Amanda is living her passion as an eco-model, gentle-living coach, writer & passionate educator – a far cry from her past life as a jet-setting fashion model for the likes of Salvatore Ferragamo, Myer, Alex Perry and Cartier.

It was after a 2-year battle with cancer, that Amanda swapped a demanding model lifestyle for the beautiful Sunshine Coast on the East Coast of Australia. Being diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma changed her perspective on life and inspired her to go vegan, start meditating, enjoy each moment and encourage others to find their balance and joy in life. She blogs about simple living, natural beauty, wellness, eco-fashion & more over at her blog – amandarootsey.com.au.

Amanda presents a fresh and inspiring take on personal development training through her soul centred business – Shine From Within. She places a strong emphasis on self-love, compassion for others and healthy living. Her zest for life and positive, yet calming attitude is infectious and nothing gives her greater pleasure than to see her students SHINE bright & realize their full potential.

Still modelling, she now works exclusively with eco-friendly and ethical brands who share her values, often with more of an Ambassadorship focus.