All Posts By

Ruby Marsh


Don’t set your goals until you answer this question

December 28, 2017
As the New Year dawns, talk of kick ass goals fill our conversations with friends and family.

It occurred to me recently, that there is one (or may be two) steps before we get to the actual goal setting part.

I’m sure you’ve heard it before – the ol’ chicken before the egg.

Perhaps you have an idea of what you want to achieve already – perfect! But let’s keep these as ideas, dreams and visions for now.

Don’t stop partaking in the flow of idea generation, it’s a beautiful place to be.

…Alas, I digress, before you go anywhere near a pen and paper and start cementing your goals, I want you to ask yourself one very important question:

Who am I going to need to be in order to go after my 2018 goals?


Two important thoughts on doing work that matters

December 20, 2017

This time of year typically brings up a lot of reflection for me.

You too lovely?

In between the last minute rush, deadlines, drinks and end-of-year lunches we might find ourselves asking some big questions. Like…

“what am I going to do in 2018 to make an impact?” 

Deep question yes, somewhat scary yes.

It is important we zoom the lens out now and again. See our lives within the context of the bigger picture – your community, your work, your relationships…

Doing work that matters doesn’t mean you have to go crazy, it can begin with one simple thing…



This time of year is primed with opportunities to lead with generosity. And they don’t need to be monetary at all. Time, love, attention are all incredibly generous acts.

But beyond the holiday season I want you to consider this:

Could we see radical changes in the world if we all stood outside our comfort zones, to serve the needs of others in innovative ways?

…to spend our time on this planet doing work that matters.

In this week’s video, I wanted to share my thoughts on this very BIG concept…

and because this is a BIG concept…

you might be thinking “where do I start?”


Does making a decision stress you out? Break through overwhelm in these five simple steps

December 13, 2017

What I am about to say might offend some people. 

Today was one of those days that could have been really overwhelming. A few things didn’t go to plan and something I had in the works didn’t go ahead. This could have left me stressed out and feeling sorry for myself and as a consequence indulging in waaaay too much raw chocolate in order to feel better.

Then I remembered something coach Brooke Castillo said in a podcast. 

“Overwhelm is never caused by what is going on in your life or having too many options” 

“Overwhelm is not happening to you, it’s something YOU create”


How to craft a morning routine that sticks in 3 easy steps

September 12, 2017

You might have heard this quote floating around social media recently –

If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.

It comes from William H McRaven who wrote 10 Life Lessons From Basic Seal Training.

While I can’t attest to reading the book, or confess to being militant with making my bed every morning (shock!), I wholly believe in starting your day with intentional habits.