All Posts By

Ruby Marsh


Why you don’t need a title to be a creative

November 4, 2015

I feel as though this post has been a long time coming.

For some reason I’ve held off writing it, I believe the reason was that I didn’t feel complete with this concept. Now it feels absolutely symbolic to be writing this, especially at this time.

Three years ago, almost to the day, I left my full-time career as a practicing Architect.

For about 10 years I defined myself by my career, or rather my ego did. I knew my place in the world based on my title. It commanded a level of ‘professional’ respect amongst family, peers and anyone that happen to come into my life.

Surprisingly, with all this so-called attachment to the title, I actually felt lighter when I walked out of the office for the last time. Life had a sense of spaciousness about it. But the lightness and the spaciousness quickly dissipated weeks into my new role on the retail floor.

Girl Crush interview

Inspiring Sisters – Introducing Amanda Rootsey

October 30, 2015

Introducing my latest Inspiring Sister – the beautiful Amanda Rootsey.

Every day Amanda is living her passion as an eco-model, gentle-living coach, writer & passionate educator – a far cry from her past life as a jet-setting fashion model for the likes of Salvatore Ferragamo, Myer, Alex Perry and Cartier.

It was after a 2-year battle with cancer, that Amanda swapped a demanding model lifestyle for the beautiful Sunshine Coast on the East Coast of Australia. Being diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma changed her perspective on life and inspired her to go vegan, start meditating, enjoy each moment and encourage others to find their balance and joy in life. She blogs about simple living, natural beauty, wellness, eco-fashion & more over at her blog – amandarootsey.com.au.

Amanda presents a fresh and inspiring take on personal development training through her soul centred business – Shine From Within. She places a strong emphasis on self-love, compassion for others and healthy living. Her zest for life and positive, yet calming attitude is infectious and nothing gives her greater pleasure than to see her students SHINE bright & realize their full potential.

Still modelling, she now works exclusively with eco-friendly and ethical brands who share her values, often with more of an Ambassadorship focus.

Favourite Finds

Favourite Finds – Haconut Original Organic Body Scrub

August 25, 2015

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Does this story sound familiar to you?

As a child you would sneakily disguise chocolate cake baking as a way to consume the batter rather than produce a cake from it? Those childhood memories were brought to life when I discovered Haconut Original Organic Body Scrub only a few months ago. You’re in for a treat because this scrub smells so good you’ll be tempted to eat more than you scrub with it.

Funny that, because 90% of the ingredient list is actually edible.

The Haconut brand was born out of a desire to create a unique product that wasn’t based around coffee – a market dominated by the likes of Frank Body. They rose to meet the challenge thanks to the discovery of ground coconut husks which they believed matched the exfoliating properties of their caffeinated sisters.


A note on subtraction and building in the bliss

August 20, 2015
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A remember a time not that long ago, that the word self-care was not even part of my vocabulary.

This is what I thought was living – first class honours degree, a job in one of Sydney’s best Architecture firms, living by the ocean, training for half marathons, the list goes on. Truth be told this wasn’t really living. Life looked really convincingly good on paper but it all came at a price. Namely my health for a start, 6 years of university, a burnt out alcohol fuelled liver, hormones all over the place, poor skin, commuting 3 hours a day and allergies that wore me down day after day.

My determination to ‘get well’ finally got the better of me. I took some big leaps in the direction what made me feel healthy and I took control of my journey:

I owned the image of my future self – and she was a colourful, well, luminous being

Nourish and Heal

My top 3 skin saviours for winter

August 5, 2015

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Do you notice a change in your skin lately?

Are you dreaming of getting your Summer glow back?

Today you are in luck beauty because I have 3 little changes you can make that will bring back the glow. And I know they work!

With the cooler months well and truly upon us here Australia, our bodies respond to the weather in a few different ways. If you are like me, I feel my skin getting dryer, my lips, my hair and internally my body echoes the same as I do anything to keep warm.

Perhaps you are also like me and you’re hiding those unshaven legs under your yoga pants? lucky my husband hasn’t said anything yet!…shhhh it’s our little secret. But I’m sure you know there’s nothing worse than peeling off your clothes to realise that your skin could do with a good buff and polish.

While you can lather on the moisturiser, a few simple changes to your diet can also go a long way. That’s where my 3 secrets come in.