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Ruby Marsh

Girl Crush interview

Inspiring Sisters: Introducing Emmily Banks

February 8, 2016
Today I want to introduce you to my first Inspiring Sister of 2016, the radiant Emmily Banks of Depths of Beauty.

The Depths of Beauty Philosophy is simple: to inspire conscious beauty and authentic well-being from the inside out.

Born from Emmily’s personal and professional transition to eco-beauty, Depths of Beauty is an ever-expanding platform bursting with highly informative, meaningful and mindful content.

Driven by Emmily’s holistic approach which incorporates beauty, health and wellness, Depths of Beauty aims to empower people to confidently and comfortably make the transition to eco-beauty by embracing all natural, organic, ethical and cruelty free products and practices.

Emmily is Australia’s leading (and ONLY) natural and organic makeup artist, blogger, speaker and eco-beauty advocate. She is passionate about inspiring healthy and positive change for people and the planet.

“Each and every day we make choices which impact our health and happiness, as well as that of the planet.  Through Depths of Beauty I want to ensure that everybody has the knowledge and support necessary to reach their full potential and live the healthiest and happiest existence possible!” – Emmily Banks

You can stop waiting for the permission slip

February 1, 2016
Right now I’m dancing my way through Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, so I’m not going to lie about my inspiration for the title of this post.

See Elizabeth Gilbert understands permission like no other. Over the years she’s progressively unschooled herself in what it means to live a creative life. On every page you can devour her lessons from the journey thus far, all while creating ‘whatever causes a revolution in your heart’. Among the anecdotal notes, she generously shares with the reader a whole chapter on permission.

Today, I wanted to share with you a recent discovery I had on this very subject.

Discoveries come at the strangest of times and not to mention in the strangest of places – in the shower, on the toilet, driving to work. Today, permission cracked me wide open in an interesting place.

Picture this common setting, the local pool, screams, laughter and the slapping of water as bodies hit the surface. I happened to have Big Magic open on this day and usually struggle to pull myself out of its vortex, but on this occasion a scene played out in front of me that stopped me in my tracks.


Live.Laugh.Love Workshop

January 3, 2016

In conjunction with lululemon athletica Camberwell, you are invited to join Erin Young of Creative Freedom Movement and me for a fun and interactive evening on the 21st January.

In this 2 hour workshop, we get into the ‘pre-work’ that will allow you to create both a vision for your life and soul centred goals from a place of love and JOY.

Raw treats and drinks provided.

This event is complimentary.


Elevation Floatation and Yoga

167 Camberwell Road, Hawthorn East

***Note: Event location has changed since originally advertised. This post has been updated with the correct address. All existing ticket holders will be notified by email before the event.

Tickets available via eventbrite by clicking this link.


My favourite books and podcasts to inspire, expand and enlighten you

December 23, 2015

One of my core-desired feelings is Inspired and one way to guarantee I’m filled to the brim is learning.

This year, a stack of books often accompanied my gratitude and meditation journals next to my bed. While I’m not the fastest reader on the planet, a handful of carefully chosen books have become ‘references’ throughout my journey – and even more so as I transition into life coaching.

These holidays, if you are looking to indulge in a little downtime with a book or two, then I present in no particular order, my 2015 favourites:

Playing Big – by Tara Mohr

I began reading Tara’s book around the same time I declared that I wanted to transition to coaching women, about 6 months ago. I stumbled upon this gem as I was heading away on a holiday with my husband and it seemed like an appropriate time to shift my mindset and up the ante. In the book, Tara takes you through a series of insights discovered through her own life and work as the founder of the Playing Big leadership program. Each chapter asks you a series of journalling questions which allow you to gain insight into how you can move from playing small to playing big.


12 lessons learned from my first year in a new city

December 1, 2015

As the year draws to a close, keep a little gratitude in your back pocket for how far you’ve come on the journey:

Musings from me on change and embarking on life in a new city.

Always keep your winter essentials in the wardrobe – all year-long – especially if you move to Melbourne. You will soon know why Crowded House wrote Four seasons in one day about the extremes of this city. 
Don’t settle for bad coffee, ever. Or chai if that’s your poison.
You are never really alone. Your tribe, your kin, is everywhere.

Side note: I wrote about surrounding yourself with goddesses over here, this approach will change your life.

Attempt Bollywood dancing at least once in your life.

No joke. True story, that happened only a couple of weekends ago. No alcohol involved (more on that here), just a bunch of women shaking it like their mama.