Things are changing around here.
This year, has been a year of leaning in to change, building more resilience and making 5 year visions and goals a reality.
Some people might call it manifesting, I like to think it is the result of taking small actions over and over.
Actions that certainly aren’t devoid of setbacks.
Even when something might feel like a setback, we do our best to move through it.
To find the opportunity in it, initiate plan B, get creative with our thinking or simply ask for help, rather than let the goal fade.
So when that thing you want finally becomes a reality – it is exhilaratingly scary or scarily exhilarating.
As I write this, I’ll be turning 36 in just a few weeks.
If you’re a numerology or an astrology buff, you’ll probably nod your head and smile. You might even say “doesn’t surprise me you’re experiencing all this change”
In astrology, this birth year marks the end of a 7 year cycle. Next year, the birth of another.
For the non-astrology type, many attribute this idea of 7 year cycles to philosopher and mystic Rudolf Steiner whom you may know of for his education system and biodynamic farming. Steiner conceived of a theory of human development based upon seven year cycles, and linked those cycles to astrology. Fascinating.
Knowing the inevitability of these cycles, how does this make change any easier? what if you’re terrified of it? what will make it just a touch less scary? or make it feel like “just a thing” so you’ll still take action even when it get’s hard?
Truth is, there’s not one right answer. You don’t just wake up one day – saying “I love change, it’s awesome!” and go be Beyonce.
However, there are a couple of things that can make the changes happen with a little more ease:
+ Learning to overlay a seasonal approach to life and business. When I started tracking my menstrual cycle, I noticed I felt a little more like I was going with the “flow” of life. Now I apply that same knowledge to projects in my business. You become comfortable with the fact that there is always a change on the horizon, just like Winter becomes Spring.
+ When a change presents itself or you desire it, stay open and curious to all the options by using creative thinking – I wrote about it here in relation to your career
+ Know that there’s actually no right or wrong, rather it’s what you decide it is. We often resist change because it needs to be the right change. As a recovering perfectionist, this has also helped me deal with failure over time which usually forces you to re-evaluate, pivot or make a change.
+ Change often means we have to stand alone, because we might be choosing something others don’t agree with or have never done. Growth is uncomfortable – yes. But becoming ok with change, means you’re seeking something bigger from life. You’ll learn to sit in the discomfort until it becomes comfortable again.
Of course, there are some changes will take you by surprise (such as a death, redundancy or the final episode in your favourite Netflix series) and I don’t want to devalue their impact on our lives.
However, if you desire to create impact in the world, or become just a little more passionate about your work. It will require change at some point, and becoming accustomed to the ride might help you go further than you think you can.