Creative ones…today is my 38th birthday.
We also have a significant cosmic event happening, with a new moon and a total solar eclipse occurring in the same window of time.
After looking for some guidance on this unusual occurrence, these words interested me the most when I think about this community…
“where we source our information from is crucial to “right thinking” as we wrap up this year” (source)

We can take these words and apply them on so many levels – business, family, your community.
Particularly during this year, our different priorities, values, narratives and world views have been amplified.
The source of these, wildly varied also – from our parents to the media.
However, I feel a sharpening of the axe is coming.
Whether it be tuning in, or deciding to tune out from sources of information (MSM to instagram to your friends) or simply taking this auspicious New Moon day as a call to strengthen your own internal guidance.
Your own right thinking.
From your heart.
From your centre of power.
In these wild, wild west times, I believe we’re being called to see the situation from all angles, and choose from a centred place.
Less dogmatic, more open-hearted.
Kate Northrup – whose recent book is highly appropriate for 2020 – “Do Less”, spoke about this in a post that caught my attention – you can read it HERE.
After reading this, I too felt called to write about something similar – thank you to those who responded kindly to this post.
More specifically, what does this mean for those of us in businesses?
When we have infinite people telling us their latest hot tip, secrets, hacks or steps to a specific goal in the least possible time with minimal pain?
(Side note: Ironically the one “secret” I don’t see listed in their eBooks very often is: hard work).
As a coach, I’m not saying guidance isn’t needed at certain milestones, rather I’m calling you to listen harder to the story you want to create and the support you need to move you towards it.
As I said in that post – it’s about doing business your way.
Take this time as we roll into the solstice, then the New Year to decide the mark you want to leave.
Scribe it with pride and reverence.
Then choose the tools – the attitude and the map you’ll need to get there.
Let go of anything else that drains your energy.