
Don’t set your goals until you answer this question

December 28, 2017

As the New Year dawns, talk of kick ass goals fill our conversations with friends and family.

It occurred to me recently, that there is one (or may be two) steps before we get to the actual goal setting part.

I’m sure you’ve heard it before – the ol’ chicken before the egg.

Perhaps you have an idea of what you want to achieve already – perfect! But let’s keep these as ideas, dreams and visions for now.

Don’t stop partaking in the flow of idea generation, it’s a beautiful place to be.

…Alas, I digress, before you go anywhere near a pen and paper and start cementing your goals, I want you to ask yourself one very important question:

Who am I going to need to be in order to go after my 2018 goals?

There are no two ways about it. If you’ve got a big promotion on the cards, a big financial goal like saving for a house or perhaps it’s starting a business, we simply can’t operate with the same habits, the same comfort zones, the same behaviours that got us our wins in 2017. If we want to be or create something bigger…

We need to step into a new way of being in 2018.

In order to do this, I’ve crafted a three step process to have you thinking what things will create the person I need to be.

  1. Subtraction before Attraction
  2. What new habits do I need to form? and What are my non negotiable’s?
  3. Who do I want on my team?

Now I want to hear from you!

What new habits, rituals or behaviours are you going to create so you can achieve your kick-ass goals in 2018?

Leave a comment below and by sharing, you will help many other women in this beautiful tribe.

All the best lovely,




Danielle LaPorte

Impact Theory Episode with Brendon Burchard

Photo by Tanja Heffner on Unsplash

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